One Meal Per Day: Is it Good Or Bad?

March 14, 2023

The “one meal per day” diet is something you’re probably familiar with. It’s being touted as a great way for you to lose weight, heal your body and improve your overall health.

The OMAD diet is being promoted as a great way to improve your overall health.

The OMAD diet is being promoted as a great way to improve your overall health.

However, while many believe that eating one meal a day is good for them, there are some tremendous downsides. One 2007 study found that eating only one meal a day may raise blood pressure and cholesterol. Additionally, this diet consists of high-calorie and highly processed foods.

Eating one meal a day

In a study, researchers found that participants who only ate one meal a day had higher blood sugar levels.

In a study, researchers found that participants who only ate one meal a day had higher blood sugar levels.

Eating one meal a day may seem like an easy way to lose weight, but it could have negative health effects over time. In a study published in the journal Metabolism, researchers found that participants who ate only one meal a day had elevated blood sugar levels and a higher level of the hormone ghrelin, which regulates appetite. People who do this may be putting themselves at risk for a variety of conditions.

You can eat one big meal a day, but it won’t be good for you unless the meal is balanced. However, If you only eat only one meal a day, every day, you will miss out on the important nutrients you need for optimal health. One meal a day will not provide enough calories for a healthy diet. Therefore, it’s important to eat multiple small meals throughout the day.

Increases blood pressure

Apart from the fact that eating only one meal a night can increase blood pressure, it can also cause sleep deprivation, which can also cause your body to not function at its optimal level. When this happens, you’ll be more likely to eat high-sugar and sodium snacks to make up for lost sleep. It will also increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Even just forgetting to eat certain types of food can raise your blood pressure.

To lower your blood pressure, make sure you consume a low-sodium diet. Eat lean meat and limit your intake of high-sugar foods. Along with a low-sodium diet, you should get enough physical activity. At least half an hour of walking, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, or a 30-minute exercise program is beneficial for your heart. Moreover, eating more fruits and vegetables can help keep your blood pressure in check.

Increases cholesterol

Eating only one meal a day may also increase your cholesterol level. It’s true that the average person shouldn’t consume more than 2 grams of saturated fat per serving. But if you’re thinking about trying the one meal a day diet to fight high cholesterol…then think again. Instead, you should limit the amount of saturated fat you eat to around 5 to 6 percent of your total daily calorie intake. Trans fatty acids are produced when liquid fat is changed into solid. This process is known as hydrogenation. It allows producers of food products to make more consistent products with extended shelf life.

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High-quality fats are also important. Studies also show that low-fat diets can help lower your cholesterol levels, and eating fish and avocado regularly has shown to lower your LDL level. You can also reduce your risk of heart disease by replacing trans fats with healthy sources of fat. Try replacing trans fats with unsalted nuts and seeds. You can also substitute saturated fat with foods with high fibre content. And don’t forget to stay physically active. Avoid smoking and being overweight, as these are also known to raise your cholesterol level.

Improves health?

A study showed liver damage caused by the OMAD diet.

A study showed liver damage caused by the OMAD diet.

A recent study examined the effects of skipping only one meal on mice. This type of diet decreased cholesterol levels and HDL and LDL cholesterol in mice, and reduced fat levels in the blood. However, it also increased oxidative stress and liver damage in the mice. Researchers concluded that just skipping one meal is enough to negatively affect genes and negatively impact health.

Slows metabolism

Eating one meal a day will slow down your metabolism. And we don’t want that. Here’s how you can speed up your metabolism and lose weight.

Eat more food. You will burn more calories when you eat large meals than if you eat smaller meals. Higher metabolism will last approximately one hour after exercise. But don’t overdo it by overeating after exercise, or your metabolism will return back to normal. And make exercise a part of a well-rounded routine.

Increase muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories than it burns fat. Therefore, building muscle can help you speed up your metabolism. However, most people only gain a few pounds of muscle, which is not enough to increase calorie burn. Also, muscles burn very little calories when they are not being used. The heart, brains, kidneys, and liver account for the bulk of our metabolism.


Although the practice of eating just one meal a day may seem like it’s the way to go, it has a number of potential negative effects that outway the good. First of all, a single meal may not provide your body with enough calories to thrive. Furthermore, consuming one single meal will increase your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Secondly, eating just one meal late in the evening could cause your blood sugar levels to spike. Some studies have found that participants on OMAD diets have higher blood sugar levels in the morning than they do in the evening.

If you still feel the need to give the One meal a Day (OMAD) diet a go to see its high-praised benefits, it’s best to do it only for one day a Week. So you have less chance of triggering the negative effects or shocking your body.

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